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Picture Element

Making "Sticky" Work in Complex Layouts


Have you ever tried to use the position: sticky property on an element nested within a complex layout, only to find that it doesn't behave as expected? There are two common scenarios where sticky behavior might not work as intended and their solutions:

Scenario 1: Overflow Ancestor

When an ancestor of an element has the overflow property set, it can interfere with the position: sticky behavior.

Solution: Use Overflow Clip

To make "sticky" work within this context, consider using the overflow: clip property on the ancestor that has overflow set. This will prevent the overflow from affecting the sticky element's behavior.

Scenario 2: Flex or Grid Layout

If you're using flex or grid layout, the position: sticky property might not behave as expected.

Solution: Use items-start

To resolve this issue, try setting the align-items property of the flex or grid container to start. This ensures that the sticky element aligns correctly within the layout and behaves as intended.

By applying these solutions, you can overcome common challenges when working with the position: sticky property and create more predictable and functional layouts in your web projects.


Sohan R. Emon

Developer, Learner, Tech Enthusiast